dam robotics
DAM Robotics VexU Team
T/Th 4-9 PM @ Merryfield 110

The DAM Robotics VEX U team focuses on designing multiple robots and competing in the VEX Robotics competition at the university level.


About the Team

In the Vex U robotics competition, we design, build, and program robots to compete in challenges that change every year (think FTC/FRC but cooler). Each year in late April, we fly to Dallas, TX, to compete in the World Championship. Vex U is highly competitive, with over 300 teams competing, representing more than 20 countries.

In the 2022-23 season, we reached the division semi-finals at the World Championship, being eliminated in the top 8 teams. In the 2023-24 season, we made it to the top 32 teams before being eliminated.

We are always seeking new members to help us become champions and build cool robots. If you are interested in participating, please join our discord and send us a message in the Vex U channel! There is no commitment required.


  • Mechanical Design – With the competition changing every year, we must design and build mechanisms to perform tasks such as collecting balls, launching disks, and lifting the robots off the ground. It often requires creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to build mechanisms that are fast, consistent, and save space.

Mechanical Designs

  • Software – With a 45 second autonomous period, a fast and reliable autonomous program is invaluable. We have proudly developed relatively sophisticated motion control systems in C++, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. With your help, we could improve our robots’ speed and consistency during autonomous. We also aspire to implement Raspberry Pis and camera vision at some point


  • CAD and 3D Printing – When we need parts that are difficult to build, an easy way to manufacture them is through 3D printing. Those interested in using CAD and 3D printing to create parts for the team, or modeling our robots in general, will have plenty to do in Vex U.


Anthony Silva – Team Lead